第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
英語 / 日本語 / ギター / ドラム基礎 / パーカッション基礎
Conversation English
Hi I’m Christopher, I’ve been living in Hawaii for 8 years, but I’m originally from New York City. I’m fresh out of High School going to community college. I love to dance, play string instruments, and build mopeds. I used to teach swimming and lifeguard for two years before the pandemic, now I teach dance and cook in Waikiki.
第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
第一言語:日本語 第二言語:英語
プリンティス 太郎
第一言語:英語 第二言語:日本語
第一言語:英語 第二言語:日本語
英語 / 日本語
Tasha Reznickcheck
English / Basic Japanese
Born on the island of O'ahu, Tasha currently calls Hawai'i her home although she’s moved around the mainland and Japan during her childhood.
Tasha’s has a huge passion for Japan which comes from having family members whose first language is Japanese. She began studying Japanese at the Academy of the Pacific and has continued on to the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa where she will earn her Bachelor’s Degrees in both Second Language Studies and Japanese while raising a son.
She began tutoring English back in 2013 through the Kadena American Pre-School Summer Program. In Spring of 2014, she became a leader for the Aloha Buddy Club (ABC) Program where she assisted students ranging from elementary to university with conversational English. Now she is the Chief Coordinator of the ABC Program where she met Sally, and is now very excited to have the opportunity to work with her as a mentor at IMPACT Lab Academy.
It is Tasha’s dream to travel and bring people closer by learning about different cultures while teaching English - she hopes to make Japan or Norway her second home some time in the near future!
中国語(標準) / 英語 / 日会話
Kallen Lin (林育玫 Lin yu mei) is a Taiwanese native which raised in both places Taiwan and Hawaii. She is 22 years old and currently lives in Hawaii. She has been tutoring Chinese since 2017 in Taiwan (HelloTalk & In person). Moreover, she is a new employee for the Aloha Buddy Club, which teaches English for Japanese students in Hawaii. She has been a Chinese tutor for classes in Kapiolani Community College, and continues to teach Chinese for native american speakers and Japanese students. In 2019, she started taking classes for Korean and she is willing to teach others Korean. She is passionate about learning different languages. Instead of speaking Chinese Mandarin, Kallen’s has other language skills including Taiwanese, English, Japanese and Korean. She is always interested in sharing and teaching languages! Recently, she is learning Cantonese and German. Furthermore, she is transfering to the University of Hawaii at Manoa 2021 spring. In addition, she will be majoring in Linguistics. Above all, She also has great communication skills including listening and explaining the situation from her working experiences. Her greatest strength is not only truly believing in herself, but also she has the heart of appreciation. She appreciates that many people have motivated and enlightened her. Along with this attitude, She puts myself in different positions to respect others. She loves to explore different cultures, connect with people and share languages!
小学三年生の時に親の影響とマイケルジャクソンに憧れてダンスを始める。高校三年間カナダ、バンクーバーでの留学経験からダンスカルチャーやコミュニティ’からできる人間関係や人脈の大切さに気付く。ダンス歴10年様々なダンスを習うと同時にファッションに興味を持ち、最近は趣味で自ら服をデザインし制作中。現在は横浜で主に活動している。インパクト・ラボ・アカデミーでは、HipHop,Bboying, Lock, Houseなどジャンルを問わず、ダンスの本質やカルチャー、基礎、テクニックをシェア。
Step into The Arena 2019 (Canada)
Bboying (1位)
Freestyle (2位)
Bust-down spartina dance competition (Canada)
ポカリスウェット CM
他 映画 エキストラ等
1st language: English
1st language: English
Coming soon.
Min (Minyi)
Conversation English
Minyi moved to Oahu, Hawaii in March 2020. She is originally from the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia. She graduated from Pennsylvania State University (PSU) with a degree in Health Policy and Administration. During her time as a university student, she conducted a 4pm to 6pm Monday to Friday after school program for middle-school students. She was also a Health Care Leadership Instructor at PSU, where she guided and assisted 15 students in a discussion-based classroom through semester-long projects. Minyi’s lessons are catered to the students’ goals and motivations for learning English. She believes that teaching is not what we learn, but the way we learn.
Masako Megumi
Voice Beauty Exercise
工藤 誠也
スネアドラム / ドラムセット / パーカッション
小学二年生よりドラムを川手艶子氏に習い始める。中学校に入り吹奏楽部に入部、本格的にクラシック音楽を学び始めるようになる。中学3年で出場した日本ジュニア管打楽器コンクール打楽器部門にて金賞を受賞。高校入学後も吹奏楽を続ける、その傍ら、様々な楽器奏者と共演。高校2年の時、名古屋打楽器フェスティバルにて演奏、その後ルーディメンタルスネアドラマーの石川直氏の、レッスンを受けるようになる。高校三年の冬、東京と大阪にて行われた石川直氏のソロイベントに生徒代表として出演、石川直氏とマーチングスネアドラム、コンサートスネアドラムなどを使ったセッションを観客に披露した。高校卒業後の夏渡米 University of North Texas で現在一年生として音楽を学んでいる。 これまでに打楽器を川手艶子氏、小川裕雅氏、Daniel Crisp氏 Amy Xin Yin 氏に師事。スネアドラムを石川直氏に師事。打楽器講座をMark Ford 氏 Paul Rennick 氏に師事。
中国語(広東語)/ 英会話 / ピアノ基礎 / 日本語基礎
Coming soon.